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This event gives you the opportunity to chat to a stranger over a home-cooked meal .Recreate one of the recipes by Gary Maclean in this zine prior to the event and you will be matched with someone at random to dine with online. The goal of this event is for nourishment: to reestablish basic human interaction and reconnect to others after the socialisation drought caused by the Covid-19 global pandemic, over a plate of good food. (And don’t worry, if you can’t manage to make one of the recipes in this zine or if it doesn't fit in with your dietary requirements. Bring along whatever dish you would like to make and that is suitable for you. The food is the secondary component to the conversation and connections made). The event will be held on zoom, utilising the breakout room function to pair attendees up with someone to chat to. Whether you decide to swap contact information with one another or if you wish to leave the conversation and experience as a shared memory between you and your matched attendee, is completely up to you.


Recipes can be found in the first copy of A(r)t Home Zine: Food for Thought or here on the website by clicking the button 'recipes'.


Please make sure to bring along the pre-made dish with you. The event is for consuming the meal that you have made prior to the event starting .


The event will be held on zoom at


Friday 6th August 2021


For further information or if you require any further assistance either prior to or during the event, please do not hesitate to get in touch via any of the contacts below:


Instagram: @arthomezine



Please consider your own dietary needs and only use the recipes provided if these are compatible with your requirments. Please also make sure you are taking all necessary precautions when preparing the meal.


**Please note that this event is part of a final project towards the MLitt Curatorial Practice course at Glasgow School of Art in conjunction with Glasgow University. For archival and submission purposes, the events will be recorded and photographs from the event will be used. The documentation of the events will not be published, names & faces will be hidden and will not be shared with anyone other than the curator of the project**




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